Praying in Shoes
Al-Muhaddith Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Wadee' writes about the permissiblity of praying on ones shoes.
The Ruling of Photography (Muqbil)
Al-Allaamah Muqbil writes about the rulings of taking photos.
The Death of Ash-Sheikh Jameel Ar-Rahmaan
Ash-Sheikh Muqbil writes about the death of Ash-Sheikh Jameel Ar-Rahmaan Al-Afghanee. Also included in this work is a discussion of the word wahabi.
Dhaam Al-Masaalaa
From the treasures of Al-Muhaadith Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Wadee', concerning the blameworthiness of begging.
Bulugh Al-Mina
From the treasures of Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Wadee.
The Dangers of Al-Ikhtilaat
A collection of Fataawa from the major scholars about the dangers of Free-Mixing between genders. This work includes statements from Bin Baz, Muhammad bin Ibrahim alii Sheikh, Al-Albani, Muqbil, Al-Uthaymeen, Al-Fawzan, and others.
My Advice to the Women-EG36
A popular work from Ash-Sheikha Umm Abdullah bint Ash-Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Waadee'.