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Al-Jahlu Al-Mubeen
Al-Jahlu Al-Mubeen
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Ash-Sheikh Abu Abdullah Al-Musnaee writes about the clear ignorance of At-Tableeg and Al-Hizbiyeen in their understanding of At-Tawheed. more info
Establishing Proofs Against the Mistake of Mixing Back Biting with Aljarh wa Tadeel
Establishing Proofs Against the Mistake of Mixing Back Biting with Aljarh wa Tadeel
Our Price: $7.00
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This book is gathered by Abu Abdullaah Al-Masnaee Alunasii. It has an introduction by Shaykh Muhammad Alimaam.  This book discusses the legislativeness refuting and its proofs.  It also mentions the benefits of refuting as well as a reply to the one who criticises refuting.  Mentioned in it as well are details about who can engage in refuting and the like. more info
Aysar Ash-Sharooh
Aysar Ash-Sharooh
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A simplified explanation of Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed fee Idilatu At-Tawheed by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Al-Wasabee. more info
The Easiest Explanation of Beneficial Speech "Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed"
The Easiest Explanation of Beneficial Speech "Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed"
Our Price: $20.00
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“…..this is a simplified explanation of Al-Qawl Al-Mufîd (The Beneficial Speech) by ash-Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahaab al-Wasaabee—may Allâh preserve him. We have previously compiled an extensive explanation as well as another more summarized version. Then, I took to all of these explanations and other (works), and I extracted from them a more simplified explanation suitable for the beginning students of knowledge and others, because most often this great book is taught to beginners. So it is Allâh Alone Who I ask to make this effort sincerely for His Noble Face and (that it may be) a benefit to al-Islâm and the Muslims. (Likewise, I ask Allâh) to make for this book a good reception, as He made the reception for the original book. There is no might and no power except with Allâh—The Great.”

From the Introduction of The Easiest Explanation of Beneficial Speech "Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed"
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