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Arabic Grammar
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An-Nahw At-Tatbeeqi
Expl. Al-Aajaromiyyah (Al-Khudayr)
Al-Qarabalaaniyyah (Sarf)
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النحو التطبيقي
القرعبلانية في فن الصرف
Expl. Mulhatu Al-I'raab
Pocket Dictionary about Verb Morphology (As-Sarf)
Mufradaat Alfaath Al-Quraan
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شرح ملحة الإعراب
المعجم الوسيط في تصريف الأفعال
A terrific reference book for verb morphology. This book deals with in depth conjugation of all the arabic verb patterns, giving great detail to this science. We recommend it to everyone, regardless of their level....HARD COVER
مفردات ألفاظ القرآن
A famous work from Al-Allaamah Ar-Raagib Al-Asfahaanee about the words of Al-Qur'an Al-Atheem. This work dates back over 1000 years.
Al-Hulal Adh-Dhahabiya
At-Tuhfa as-Saniyah
The Art of Sarf
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الحلل الذهبية على التحفة السنية
A Famous explanation of At-Tuhfatu As-Siniya, explained Muhammad As-Sagheer bin Qair bin Ahmad Al-Abadalee Al-Muqatari, and includes in introduction from Ash-Sheikh Muqbil.
التحفة السنية بشرح المقدمة الآجرومية
A Classic explanation of Al-Aaajaromiyah!
كتاب شذ العرف في فن الصرف
A beneficial work for beginners of verb morphology. Includes an introduction from Aadil Abdul Mun'im Abul Abbaas.
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